The Peak District. - 30th of Jul, 23

Published on 17 August 2023 at 02:19

Around 2 weeks ago Ellie and I went to the Peak District, let's talk about it. :)  (Shot on Samsung S23 Ultra)

Starting out our walk in a beautiful direction, walking along the river the tickles the meeting point of the mountain and the earth. A lovely stretch where dog walkers and families can be seen enjoying themselves all around us, we too were walking a dog. Should propably of mentioned this sooner but hey, we'll survive!

Alas, as beautifull as this direction was, it was the wrong one (for us), this eventually lead us to a wide gap in the river with no solid bridge to cross further. The only way over was to use the stepping stones sitting out of the surface of the water, on our own this would be no issue, but with our hyper fourlegged friend? Absolutely not.... Back we went to try the other direction directly up the mountains!





Just stunning ain't it?

The only was is up, and up we went, it felt as if it'd never end... The journey of a thousand steps is not for the weak of ankles. I didn't walk five miles, never mind walking five hundred more!

A selfie of me, the guy behind the curtain, pulling the strings to this multi-typo slide show for your amusement. Along with more images of the beauty that is english country side.

This trip allowed me to take some of the best images I've snapped in years, I truly have zero regrets about my purchase of the Samsung S23 Ultra. A camera-phone that performs well in the majority of environments I bring it into! This simple image of what I think is a barn of sorts, is so simple but pleases me to look at. :)

The long around ahead at which you take to get into the grounds, remarkably well kept round by british council standards, not a pot hole in sight, good luck finding a round this nice in your own town though!





And lastly,  nice images of the dog. Not much more to say about this trip now. It was lovely and I'd absolutely recommend the day out to all!

Images from the nearby towns in no particular order. Such a busy little village humming with activity and community.

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